Daily Schedule

*Children will be encouraged, but will never be forced to participate in any activity.

7-9:00 am Breakfast - Those children who arrive prior to 8:45 am will be served breakfast.

9:00 am    Circle Time - During this time we will sing interactive songs and read our Book of the Week. One child will be chosen as the day's "Special Helper".

9:30 am   Free Play - Children will choose their own games and activities. There will be a variety of toys, games, and activities available to the children geared toward enhancing their growth and development.

10:00 am Potty and diaper changing.

10:15 am Group Activity Time – Children will participate in our "school" lesson. This may involve arts & crafts, science & discovery, games, puzzles, cooking, etc. Some days this will be a planned activity based on our current theme or skill focus. Other days the children will be given materials to work on their own creations. As we finish our activity the children will move on to free play.

11:00 am Outside Play - Toys are put away. Time to play outside, weather permitting.

12:00 pm Lunch/Clean up

12:45 pm Music Time/Potty and diaper changing.

1:00 pm  
Nap / Quiet Play - Children will be provided cots to rest on while listening to soft music.  Blankets, pillows, and/or a stuffed-animal can be brought from home and used at this time.

3:30 pm   Afternoon Snack/Books/Puzzles

4:00 pm   Circle Time - During this time we will sing interactive songs, read books, or play a game. And on Fridays, this will be our 'Prize Box' time to celebrate the children's good behavior for the week.

4:15 pm   Free Play - If weather permits, we may go outside again.

4:45 pm   Clean Up - Toys are put away and hands and faces are freshened up for Mom and Dad to pick up. Final potty and diaper changing.

5:00 pm   TV Time - Children are offered TV (Nick Jr.) or videos and books/puzzles/blocks to play with while we wait for parents to pick up.


Full-day/5 days a week: $680/month

Half-day/5 days a week: $340/month

Part-time care is negotiable

Tuition costs include all meals, snacks, wipes (for those in diapers), curriculum, and supplies.
Diapers/Pull-Ups, sippy cups, and blankets/pillows are provided by parents.

Parents with 2 children attending will be offered a discounted rate.

A copy of my contract and policies can be emailed upon request